
EE112 模拟集成电路I(Analog Integrated Circuits I)[本科生课程]


The course covers the principles and methods of analog integrated circuit design. The content includes integrated circuit fabrication basics, single-stage amplifier circuits, current mirrors and voltage references, frequency response, feedback theory, operational amplifier design, and more. It aims to equip students with preliminary hands-on engineering skills in relevant fields and lays a critical foundation for further study in the field of integrated circuits and systems design.

EE217 射频集成电路(Radiofrequency Integrated Circuits)[本研一体课程]


The course content includes basic concepts in RF systems, wireless communication systems, transmitter and receiver structures, modulation, low noise amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, and more. It aims to provide graduate students or senior undergraduates with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of basic concepts and analytical methods related to RF communication integrated circuit design. Students will develop the ability to preliminarily design key RF circuit modules, laying a solid theoretical and engineering foundation for engaging in related engineering projects and scientific research.

EE212 模拟集成电路II(Analog Integrated Circuits II)[本研一体课程]


Based on Analog Integrated Circuits I, through systematic learning of knowledge such as noise, nonlinearity, stability, and operational amplifier compensation techniques, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the field of analog integrated circuits, from the small-signal model of transistors to system-level concepts. Through course design, they will master the analysis and design of operational amplifier circuits, laying a solid foundation for pursuing work related to analog integrated circuit design.